29 September 2017
This week, you must learn words ending with -ant or -ent. You will have a spelling test on Friday 06 October.
Here some examples of words below.
Learn these spellings for a test on Friday 06 October.
Suffix- ant/ance and ent/ence |
brilliant | accident |
assistant (assistance) | evident (ence) |
elegant (ance) | confident (ence) |
important (ance) | consistent (ency) |
deodorant | efficient (ency) |
restaurant | magnificent |
elephant | opponent |
29 September 2017
Focus: un- and dis- and common mis-spellings
Please learn these words for a test next week.
- unhappy
- displeased
- disappointment
- disappear
- unusual
- unluckily
- unfolded
- slipped
- hopped
- danced
- mountains
- brightly
- September
- October
22 September 2017
The spelling homework this week focuses on two prefixes: un- and dis-
The task is to look in books, listen to the TV and radio, look at words when you go out to different places. Write down at least twenty words that use the un- and dis- prefix.
22 September 2017
This week’s homework is a spelling task.
Year 1 Spellings
Spelling rule – words with /l/, /k/ and /z/ sounds spelt /ll/, /ck/ and /zz/
Year 2 Spellings
Spelling rule – /n/ sound spelt as /kn/ and /gn/
22 September 2017
This week’s spelling list is below.
Choose an activity from your spelling activity grid and hand in on Thursday 28 September.
Suffix- ant/ance | |
accountant | brilliant (brilliance) |
assistant (assistance) | elegant (elegance) |
defendant | fragrant (fragrance) |
consultant | hesitant (hesitance) |
deodorant | important (importance) |
restaurant | ignorant (ignorance) |
elephant | pleasant |
15 September 2017
This week’s spelling homework is a list of words which will be tested on Friday 22 September. Try writing each of these spellings in a sentence.
Year 1 spellings
off | the |
puff | I |
sniff | do |
less | to |
miss | of |
Year 2 spellings
magic | because |
gem | where |
giant | friend |
jacket | children |
join | were |
15 September 2017
This week, you must learn the following spellings. You will be tested on Friday 22 September.
Date: 15.9.17 Learn these spellings for a test next Friday.
Spelling Pattern: -tious, -cious |
vicious | cautious |
gracious | infectious |
spacious | nutritious |
delicious | ambitious |
malicious | fictitious |
*anxious | scrumptious |
08 September 2017
In year 1 and 2, there will be separate spellings for the different year groups. Both will begin by building and implementing their phonics knowledge before moving onto the High Frequency Words and Common Exception Words.
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 14 September.
Year 1 Spellings
Spelling Rule – the sounds /f/ and /s/, spelt /ff/ and /ss/
Find all the words listed below that follow our spelling pattern for this week.
Year 2 Spellings
Spelling Rule – the /j/ sound spelt with /g/ or /j/
Find all the words listed below that follow our spelling pattern for this week.
08 September 2017
This week, we’ve been looking at words ending in the ‘shus’ sound. The spelling patterns for this include ‘tious’ and ‘cious’.
Please choose one of the following activities below relating to this spelling pattern and complete in your homework book by Thursday 14 September.
1. Use a dictionary to find 10 or more words with this spelling pattern. | 2.Choose 6 words ending in –tious or –cious. Write a sentence for each word. | 3.Make up and write a rap to explain the spelling rule. |
4.Write 8 words ending in –cious or -tious in alphabetical order. Use a dictionary to write the definition of the words. | 5.Make a poster to explain the spelling rule. | 6.Use an old magazine or newspaper and cut out words to create 6 words from the spelling list. |
7.Make “Secret Agent Words” by numbering the alphabet from 1 to 26 and converting your words to a number code. | 8.Write a short story that uses 8 of your spelling words. | 9.Make a crossword puzzle or word search from the words in your spelling list. |
08 September 2017
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due in Thursday 14 September.
Focus: Double consonant words
Task: Re-write this passage with the spelling mistakes corrected.
It was a roten, rainy day; the rain had been steadily taping on the window all morning. Driping and runing down the glass, it made interesting paterns that I couldn’t take my eyes off. I gigled when I saw the rain made a shape that looked a lot like a smiley face. Sudenly, my Mum shouted me from the kitchen to say that my diner was ready and geting cold.