01 March 2024
‘Tricky words’ are words that cannot easily be decoded (‘sounded out’ and read). This is because some of the sounds in the words are spelled in an unusual way. It is important for children to be able to read these words as they are among the most common words in English.
eye – The trigraph ‘eye’ makes the sound igh. because – The digraph ‘au’ makes the sound o. laugh – The word ‘laugh’ has two tricky parts: the digraph ‘au’ makes the sound ar* and the digraph ‘gh’ makes the sound f once – The ‘o’ makes the sounds w-u. work – The digraph ‘or’ makes the sound ur friend – The digraph ‘ie’ makes the sound e. Help at home by making the activity fun. Below are a few ideas. The children will be tested on these words on Friday 8th March 2024. |
Spellings term 2.2
23 February 2024
This week, the spellings are linked to the current phonics teaching.
- awful
- playful
- could
- work
- world
- worse
- New tricky word – once
Help at home by ensuring your child knows the definition for each word and then put them into silly sentences.
A worm’s work is never done.
The playful cat is an awful baker.
02 February 2024
This week, the spellings are all tricky words.
- oh
- Mr
- Mrs
- looked
- people
- called
Please refer to our school website for some ideas on how to help your child learn to spell the words.
26 January 2024
This week, the children need to rehearse words that have been taught in phonics sessions. These all contain the ‘le’ digraph at the end of the word.
- apple
- sparkle
- gentle
- beetle
- puddle
- bubble
- (tricky word) school
We have read and written sentences. Can you spot any tricky words? Can you see this week’s focus phonemes? Can you read these sentences fluently?
I can see a giant, white beetle swimming in the puddle.
They can all jump in the muddy puddle.
The mice are eating nice apples.
Can you see all of the bubbles?
Help at home
Put the words into sentences and draw a picture for each one.
19 January 2024
This week, the children need to learn five tricky words and the remaining days of the week. Every day, we rehearse the spellings for the week and put them into full sentences. Try this at home.
- could
- would
- should
- who
- where
- Saturday
- Sunday
Phase 5 tricky words: Year 1
Information for parents and carers
‘Tricky words’ are words that cannot easily be decoded (‘sounded out’ and read). This is because some of the sounds in the words are spelled in an unusual way. It is important for children to be able to read these words as they are among the most common words in English.
Below, is a table that shows the tricky words that your child have been learning in Phase 5 in Year 1 and explains why each word is tricky.
Children will practise the tricky words in school until they can read them automatically. They will also practise reading the tricky words in the decodable books that they bring home.
Taught in Year 1
Tricky word Tricky part Why is it tricky?
their eir The ‘eir’ makes the sound air.
people eo The ‘eo’ makes the sound ee.
oh oh The ‘oh’ makes the sound oa.
your our The our makes the sound or.
should oul Your child has not yet learned the trigraph ‘oul’, which makes the sound oo (as in ‘book’).
our our The trigraph ‘our’ makes the sound ow followed by the schwa sound.
mouse se Your child has not yet learned the digraph ‘se’. Here, it makes the sound s.
water a The ‘a’ makes the sound or. Learning so far: For ‘a’, your child has learned the sound a as in ‘cat’.
want a The ‘a’ makes the sound o. Learning so far: For ‘a’, your child has learned the sound a as in ‘cat’.
Spellings for this half-term
12 January 2024
This week, the children need to learn to spell the following words.
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- want
- water
The test will be on Friday 19th January.
Help at home
The children need to learn to spell all of the days of the week. Question your child about what day it is today, what it will be tomorrow and what it was yesterday. Can they write them in order using different colours?
15 December 2023
For the last week of the term, the children need to revise some of the tricky words taught previously. The spelling test will be on Thursday 21st December 2023.
- have
- some
- come
- said
- like
- there
These are some of the tricky words that we learnt in Year 1 and revisited in Year 2. Please revisit and practise the spellings for a spelling quiz on Friday 15 December 2023.