Year 2 Spelling


Posted on Friday 29 September 2023 by Mrs Palmer

Please practise ready for a spelling test in two weeks time on Friday 13 October 2023

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • who
  • when
  • why


Posted on Friday 22 September 2023 by Mrs Palmer

Well done Year 2 on your spellings over the last two weeks. Keep up the good work!

Please practise your new spellings ready for a spelling test on Friday 29 September 2023.

  • blue
  • true
  • new
  • flew
  • cute
  • use
  • saw
  • straw
  • their
  • people
  • your
  • any



Posted on Friday 15 September 2023 by Mrs Palmer

Please practise your spellings for a spellings test on 22 September 2023.















Posted on Friday 08 September 2023 by Mrs Palmer

Please practise your spellings for a spelling test on Friday 15 September.

  • play
  • spray
  • made
  • game
  • read
  • being
  • eye
  • sure
  • said
  • were

Spellings 07.07.23

Posted on Friday 07 July 2023 by Miss Kay

Our spellings for the next week will be: mistake, plate, these, divide, daytime, homework, those, confused.

Please learn these ready for our check on the 13th July.

Spellings 30.06.23

Posted on Friday 30 June 2023 by Miss Kay

This week, the children have picked some ‘tricky words’ that they want to get better at spelling. These words are ones that don’t follow our known phonetic spelling patterns.

beautiful, parents, everybody, improve, Christmas, behind, whole

Please learn these ready for a check on Thursday 6th July.

Spellings 23.06.23

Posted on Friday 23 June 2023 by Miss Kay

Our spellings for the next week will be words that end in a variety of suffixes that we’ve been learning.

happiness, enjoyment, mouthful, fearless, illness, argument, handful, spotless

Please learn these as best as you can before our check on 29th June 2023!


Spellings 14.06.23

Posted on Friday 16 June 2023 by Miss Kay

This week, our spelling words will be nouns with the -es -s or -ies suffix (at the end of the word).

books, pencils, foxes, glasses, churches, babies, teddies, flies

We know that when a singular noun (one thing) ends in y, e.g. teddy, we remove the y and add -ies to make it a plural noun (a group of things) e.g. teddies.

Please practice these words ready for our check on 22nd June.

Spellings 09.06.23

Posted on Friday 09 June 2023 by Miss Kay

This week, our spellings words are past tense verbs (a doing or a being word) that follow our -ed suffix. This is the ending of a word.

jumped, hopped, skipped, looked, picked, closed, liked, loved

Due to Year 2 having Forest Schools on a Friday, we will be doing our spellings check on Thursdays for this half term. We will have 8 spellings each week to focus on.

Spellings 19.05.23

Posted on Friday 19 May 2023 by Miss Kay

It’s our last week of spellings for this half term! This week, they all include our prefix learning of ‘un’. A prefix is added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning.

Our spellings are: unkind, unhappy, unfair, untie, unable, unused, uncover, unlucky, unsafe, and unhealthy.

Help at home by talking about the meaning of these words and how that changes if we remove the prefix ‘un’.