Year 2 Spelling

05 November 2021

Posted on Friday 05 November 2021 by Mrs Palmer

We will be working our way through the ‘common exception words’ (words that do not follow the usual spelling rules).

Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the week, ready to be tested at school on a Friday.

This week, we will be repeating the spellings from the last week of last term.

Year 1

• push
• put
• said
• saw
• says

Year 2
• Monday
• Tuesday
• Wednesday
• Thursday
• Friday
• Saturday
• Sunday

15 October 2021

Posted on Friday 15 October 2021 by Mrs Palmer

We will be working our way through the ‘common exception words’ (words that do not follow the usual spelling rules).

Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the week, ready to be tested at school on a Friday.

Year 1

• push
• put
• said
• saw
• says

Year 2
• Monday
• Tuesday
• Wednesday
• Thursday
• Friday
• Saturday
• Sunday

08 October 2021

Posted on Friday 08 October 2021 by Mrs Palmer

We will be working our way through the ‘common exception words’ (words that do not follow the usual spelling rules).

Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the week, ready to be tested at school on a Friday.

Year 1

• of
• once
• one
• our
• pull

Year 2
• was
• we
• were
• where
• you
• your
• who
• what
• when
• well

01 October 2021

Posted on Friday 01 October 2021 by Mrs Palmer

We will be working our way through the ‘common exception words’ (words that do not follow the usual spelling rules).

Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the week, ready to be tested at school on a Friday.

Year 1

• is
• love
• me
• my
• no

Year 2
• school
• she
• so
• some
• their
• there
• they
• to
• today
• the


24 September 2021

Posted on Friday 24 September 2021 by Mrs Palmer

We will be working our way through the ‘common exception words’ (words that do not follow the usual spelling rules).

Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the week, ready to be tested at school on a Friday.

Year 1

• has
• he
• here
• his
• house

Year 2
• of
• once
• one
• our
• pull
• push
• put
• said
• saw
• says

17 September 2021

Posted on Friday 17 September 2021 by Mrs Palmer

We will be working our way through the ‘common exception words’ (words that do not follow the usual spelling rules).

Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the week, ready to be tested at school on a Friday.

Year 1

• do
• for
• friend
• full
• go

Year 2

• has
• he
• here
• his
• house
• is
• love
• me
• my
• no

10 September 2021

Posted on Friday 10 September 2021 by Mrs Palmer

We will be working our way through the ‘common exception words’ (words that do not follow the usual spelling rules).

Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the week, ready to be tested at school on a Friday.

Year 1

• are
• ask
• be
• by
• come

Year 2

• are
• ask
• be
• by
• come
• do
• for
• friend
• full
• go

16 July 2021

Posted on Friday 16 July 2021 by Mrs Latham

This weeks spellings are covering some different spelling patterns.

Year 1 are looking at making a plural by adding an ‘s’ or ‘es’ to the end of the word.

Year 1

  • cats
  • dogs
  • rocks
  • trains
  • books
  • brushes
  • glasses
  • witches
  • boxes
  • buzzes

Year 2 are looking at the /s/ sound spelt as c before e, i and y. Also, /n/ spelt kn at the beginning of words.

Year 2

  • race
  • city
  • space
  • fancy
  • ice
  • knock
  • knee
  • know
  • knitting
  • knife

09 July 2021

Posted on Friday 09 July 2021 by Mrs Latham

Use last week’s spellings and write them in dotty writing.


02 July 2021

Posted on Friday 02 July 2021 by Mrs Latham

Use least week’s spellings and write them inside a 2D shape.

Year 1 

  • think
  • bank
  • sunk
  • honk
  • wink
  • witch
  • fetch
  • catch
  • hutch
  • stitch

Year 2

  • who
  • what
  • where
  • when
  • why
  • whole
  • wild
  • would
  • should
  • could