25 September 2020
This week’s spellings are more Common Exception words – words that we use lots but that don’t follow the usual spelling rules.
Year 1
- do
- for
- friend
- full
- go
Year 2
- has
- he
- here
- his
- house
- is
- love
- me
- my
- no
18 September 2020
Use last week’s spellings and write each one in ‘rainbow writing’.
Year 1
• are
• ask
• be
• by
• come
Year 2
• are
• ask
• be
• by
• come
• do
• for
• friend
• full
• go
11 September 2020
We will be working our way through the ‘common exception words’ (words that do not follow the usual spelling rules).
Encourage children to write their spellings out a few times over the week, ready to be tested at school on a Friday.
Year 1
• are
• ask
• be
• by
• come
Year 2
• are
• ask
• be
• by
• come
• do
• for
• friend
• full
• go
08 November 2019
This week’s spellings are from the common exception word lists.
Year 1
- here
- there
- where
- were
- pull
Year 2
- your
- he
- we
- so
- my
- where
- come
- once
- push
- full
20 September 2019
Use last week’s spellings and put each word in a sentence.
- the
- to
- said
- were
- his
12 July 19
Spelling Homework
Year 1 words:
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 25 July. Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise.
about | said | when | looked | saw | with | some | friends |
Year 2 words:
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 25 July. Here are some words with short vowel sounds. We sometimes have to double the consonant in these words. Look out for suffixes that we’ve learnt.
stopped | happen | grabbing | biggest | letter | spelling | hotter | swimming |
Friday 5 July
Spelling Homework
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Friday 12 July.
Year 1 words:
could | called | little | came | people | their | here | were |
Year 2 words:
whole | who | hour | would | wild | climb | beautiful | everybody |
28 June 2019
Spelling Homework
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 4 July.
Year 1 words:
Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise.
could | called | little | came | people | their | here | were |
Year 2 words:
Here are some common exception words. Look carefully at these words, as they sound different to how they are spelt.
whole | who | hour | would | wild | climb | beautiful | everybody |
21 June 2019
Spelling Homework
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling list to be tested on Friday 28 June.
Year 1 words:
can’t | I’ll | couldn’t | didn’t | there’s | let’s | that’s | we’re |
Year 2 words:
action | station | fiction | motion | national | selection | perfection | attention |
14 June 2019
Spelling Homework
This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 20 June.
Year 1 words:
Here are some High Frequency Words (HFW) to practise. Think carefully about where the apostrophe goes.
can’t | I’ll | couldn’t | didn’t | there’s | let’s | that’s | we’re |
Year 2 words:
Here are some words that end with a tricky suffix. The -tion suffix can sometimes trick us. Look carefully at these words.
action | station | fiction | motion | national | selection | perfection | attention |