Year 1 Spelling

14 September 2018

Posted on Friday 14 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task due in on Thursday 20 September.

Year 1
In your child’s homework book, you’ll see the 100 High-Frequency Words. By the end of year 1, children are expected to read and write these words. Therefore, we will begin by learning to spell some of these words.

This week’s task is to choose 5 of your spelling words. Write a silly sentence for each of the chosen words.
the       and
to          I
said     of
he        was

Year 2

In your child’s homework book, you’ll see the Year 2 Common Exception Words. By the end of year 2, children are expected to read and write these words. Therefore, we will begin by learning to spell some of these words.

This week’s task is to choose 5 of your spelling words. Write a silly sentence for each of the chosen words.
after               should
any                 could
again             would
because        who

07 September 2018

Posted on Friday 07 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Year 1 spellings

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task with a test on Friday 14 September.

As the children enter year 1, it is expected that when they write their names they will write their first name and their surname. Therefore, this week’s spelling homework is to practise spelling their surnames. We’ll also be practising this in our writing area this week, too.

Year 2 spellings 

This week’s homework is a spelling list to be tested on Friday 14 September.
As the children become more independent in year 2, they are expected to spell the days of the week correctly. Therefore, this week’s spelling words are the seven days of the week. To be marked as correct, they must have a capital letter!

22 June 2018

Posted on Saturday 23 June 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling homework is a set of words to learn.

Group 1:

Here is a list of 6 words to learn that all include a suffix ‘ed’ – think about how to spell the root word before you add your suffix. Don’t get tricked out by the ‘ed’ sounding like a ‘t’.

jumped, helped, pushed, looked, washed, worked

Group 2:

Here is a list of 8 words to learn that all include a suffix – think about how to spell the root word before you add your suffix.

jumped, helped, walking, playing, fastest, smartest, taller, higher

Group 3:

Here is a list of 10 words to learn that all include a suffix – think about how to spell the root word before you add your suffix.

delightful, cheerful, sadly, strangely, entertainment, enjoyment, safely, bravely, painless, harmless

15 June 2018

Posted on Friday 15 June 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling homework is a list of words due to be tested on Thursday 21 June.

We have been learning to read contraction words. Here is a list of words to learn – don’t forget to include an apostrophe.

Year 1: I’ll, don’t, didn’t, can’t, it’s

Year 2:

I’ll, don’t, didn’t, can’t, it’s, wouldn’t, shouldn’t, haven’t, shan’t, won’t

08 June 2018

Posted on Sunday 10 June 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 14 June.

Year 1 have a phonics task to complete. It has a range of phonics activities, such as reading real and nonsense words, to complete.

Year 2 have a Common Exception Words word search to complete. At this point in the year, year 2 children should be spelling the majority of the Common Exception Words correctly.

11 May 2018

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling homework is a list of words due to be tested on Thursday 17 May.

Group 1

All of these words are based on our phonics learning over the past two weeks.

boy, toy, joy, flew, new, knew

Group 2

All of these words are based on our phonics learning over the past two weeks – the sounds we know can often have an alternative pronunciation.

head, happy, acorn, was, what, why, they, how, now, low

Group 3

All of these words are based on our phonics learning over the past two weeks.

lamb, crumb, thumb, limb, know, knew, knight, knee, gnome, knock, knot

04 May 2018

Posted on Friday 04 May 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task and is due on Thursday 10 May.

Each child has a SPAG (Spelling,Punctuation and Grammar) task in their homework books practising a range of different skills from spelling high-frequency words, reading real and alien words, adding suffixes and prefixes and unscrambling misspelled words. Have a look in your child’s homework book to find the activities to complete.

27 April 2018

Posted on Friday 27 April 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling homework is a list of words to learn for Thursday 03 May.

Year 1:

Group 1 – This week’s spellings homework is based on our phonics learning: pea, lead (a dog’s lead), boy, toy, tie, pie.

Group 2 – This week in phonics, we’ve looked at how some letters can be pronounced differently, such as i in fin or find. This week’s spelling homework is based on our phonics learning:

find, kind, wild, old, cold, don’t, gym, gem, magic.

Year 2:

Each of these words have a suffix (ly or less). This about how to spell the root word and the rules for adding suffixes.

badly, happily, hopeless, penniless, lovely, joyless, slowly, quickly, careless, fearless.

23 March 2018

Posted on Friday 23 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spelling homework is a spelling task. It’s due in on Thursday 29 March.

Year 1

Have a look at the picture below. Sound out the words in the checklist and find them in the picture. (Bonus: add the sound buttons to your checklist words e.g. dog, broom, smile)

Year 2

Cross out the words that are wrong in the sentences below.

  1. I hang my coat/cote on a peg.
  2. We have to cleer/clear up before play.
  3. We learn/lurn how to reed/read at school.
  4. We lyk/like to look at buks/books.
  5. Playtime is goud/good fun.

In the paragraph below, there are lots of words that are spelt wrong. Find them and correct them. Use a dictionary if you need to.

At the weekend, I wet shopping with my Mum. We went on the bus to toun and we went to lots of shoppes. Afta that, we went to Mcdonalds for our tea. I had a burger and sum chips. Then we went home. I wanted to wotsh T.V. but my Mum maid me go to bed. I sed it’s not fair. On Sunday, we went out for lunsh to The Vine. It wos my Mum’s birthday. I gave my Mum a card with flours on. She wos pleased.

16 March 2018

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings are a list of words to learn based on our phonics.

Group 1 – focusing on two trigraphs. A trigraph is three letters making one sound, like ear’ – I have two ears and ‘air’ – I have a pair of socks.

hair, stairs, pair, year, near, beard

Group 2 – focusing on our split digraphsA ‘split digraph’ is simply a long vowel sound that has been split. For example, in ‘make’ the long ‘ay’ sound is made by the ‘a_e’ – the two letters have been split. (You might remember how this used to be referred to: ‘magic e’.  That term is no longer used as it may be confusing. The ‘e’ is not magic – it’s doing a job.)

make, came, made, even, these, like, bike, bone, those, use

Group 3

path, bath, hour, move, prove, improve, because, want, was, when

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