Here are the spellings for the next two weeks. We have been reading most of these tricky words daily as part of our phonics lessons this week. Please practise using the look, say, cover, write and check method. Your child will have a spelling quiz on Friday 22 November.
- here
- today
- one
- their
- people
- your
- oh
- Mr
- Mrs
- Ms
Please continue to practise your spellings ready for your spelling quiz on Friday 18 October. This week use the trace, copy and replicate method.
- is
- love
- me
- my
- no
- of
- once
- one
Here are the spellings for the next two weeks. Please practise using the look, say, cover, write and check method. Your child will have a spelling quiz on Friday 18 October.
- is
- love
- me
- my
- no
- of
- once
- one
Here are the spellings for the next two weeks. Please practise using the look, say, cover, write and check method. Your child will have a spelling quiz on Friday 04 October.
- full
- go
- has
- he
- here
- his
- house
- I
In Year 1, we’ll send a new set of spellings home every 2 weeks. Here are the spellings for the next two weeks. Please practise using the look, say, cover, write and check method. Your child will have a spelling quiz on Friday 20 September.
- are
- ask
- be
- by
- come
- do
- for
- friend
12 July 2024
The last spelling list this year is days of the week.
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
The test will be on Thursday 18th July 2024.
05 July 2024
This week, the children have been learning some alternative spellings for the sound ‘sh’.
Please revise the following words with your child.
- mission
- mansion
- station
- action
- fiction
Tricky words
- hour
- our
Please refer to our school website for some creative ideas to help your child to learn their spellings.
28 June 2024
This week, we have been exploring the sound ‘zh’. This is a unique sound. To help with the pronunciation, please refer to this video.
- pleasure
- vision
- measure
- usual
- treasure
- Tricky words
- because
- friend
Help at home by encouraging your children to use our decoding mantra to help them to read the words. Can they spot the letters that make the zh sound?
- Spot the digraph. (or trigraph)
- Say the sounds. (add the sound buttons)
- Read the word.
21 June 2024
This week, the children need to rehearse words containing the phonemes mb, kn and gn for their spelling test.
- know
- gnaw
- sign
- knee
- knock
- thumb
- crumb
- lamb
We have read and written sentences.
Help at home by assisting your child to spot any tricky words.
Can they see this week’s focus phonemes?
Can your child read the sentences below?
The bear gnawed at the meat.
A knock on the door let me know that the grey monkey was here.
The lambs were gentle. We enjoyed playing with them.
14 June 2024
This week, the children need to revise some of the tricky words previously learnt.
‘Tricky words’ are words that cannot easily be decoded (‘sounded out’ and read). This is because some of the sounds in the words are spelled in an unusual way. It is important for children to be able to read these words as they are among the most common words in English.
Our Super Spelling Strategies has lots of ideas to encourage and engage your child to learn spellings. There’s no one best way to learn spellings, so it’s worth trying out the various ideas contained in the leaflet. Some you and your child will like, some you and your child may not – give them all a go!
- oh
- their
- people
- Mr
- Mrs
- looked
- called
- asked
- could