A new Science topic – Growing and Cooking!
This half term, the children in Year 1, are learning about growing and cooking in science. They will be exploring the difference between fruit and vegetables and where they come from. They will also be preparing a simple meal!
Today, the class started by learning about the difference between fruit and vegetables. They recalled how plants are grown and discovered which parts of the plant we can eat.
We investigated the differences and similarities between a strawberry and a carrot. The children thought about smell, taste and texture.
The children identified that the main different between a fruit and a vegetable is that fruit has seeds. Which means that cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes are in fact fruits!
Science – Plants
Enquiry questions:
How do plants transport water?
Does the number of seeds within one plant pot affect the growth of the plants?
Working scientifically:
I can set up a simple practical enquiry.
Ask relevant questions and use different scientific enquiry types to answer them.
This afternoon, we carried out various science experiments that encourage us to observe over time whilst ensuring our tests are fair.
We placed a white flower into a pot of red water. We made predictions based on our prior knowledge and understanding. Tomorrow morning, we will be able to view the results and see if our predictions were correct.
The fun didn’t stop there. We then began an experiment to see what would happen if we planted one sunflower seed in a pot compared to two, four and eight. Again, we made predictions; we will take measurements over the coming weeks.
Finally, we planted our own sunflowers. We really enjoyed getting our hands dirty and it was so lovely to see the excitement in children.
Let’s hope for lots of sun and the children will be able to bring some tall sunflowers home.
Help at home – try planting some seeds of your own at home. Can you grow something you can eat? What does a plant need to grow? What is the function of the roots/stem/soil? What happens in the leaves?
Send pictures in and we can display in the classroom.
PE- Multiskills
We’ve made a great start to this week in Reception. In our PE lesson we have been working on our throwing and catching skills. First we worked on our own to bounce the ball in the hoop and then catch it. Then we worked pairs to bounce the ball to each other and catch it. It was very tricky as first but we persevered and our skills improved so much! Great work Reception!
Our Focus book this week is Walking Through the Jungle by Julie Lacome we can’t wait to share our learning with you at the end of the week.
Living and Learning: I know the importance of sleep.
Our living and learning statement for this week was:
I know the importance of sleep.
As well as individual class living and learning sessions, the whole school attended our ‘Tuesday Viewsday‘ collective worship to learn more together. We discussed the role of sleep in our lives and it’s importance/lack of importance both personally and collectively (the world).
Children put forward some fantastic points of view to debate both sides of the importance of sleep – here’s some of the quotes:
‘I think sleep is important because it gives our brain a chance to rest so that we can do well in school the next day.’ (JC, Year 6)
‘Sleep is important for us to switch off and not think about things for a while. If we didn’t sleep, we would all just be tired and moody.’ (FJ, Year 2)
‘I don’t think sleep is important because it wastes time. We could be doing other things that we like instead of sleeping.’ (NE, Year 5)
‘Sleep can be important if you have a job, but if you don’t have a job or something to get up for, you’re wasting time in your life that you could use to help others or find something that you enjoy.’ (JS, Year 5)
Help at home:
Discuss the importance of sleep for a healthy, happy lifestyle with your child. Does your child know what a good amount of sleep is? Explore their thoughts on what might happen if they don’t get enough sleep, or they sleep too much!
The Bad Tempered Ladybird
Welcome to the Summer term!! I can’t believe we are in our final term of the school year, this year has absolutely flown by so far!
This week our focus book has been The Bad Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle.
The children have really enjoyed this story and have had fun joining in with the repeated lines. In class we have enjoyed making ladybirds and looking at the life cycle of a ladybird. We even discovered some ladybird facts. For example a group of ladybirds is called a loveliness.
Help at home: go on a walk and look out for some ladybirds, see if you can find a loveliness of ladybirds and count how many you can find.
Our Word of the week this week was frustrated the children have really enjoyed using this during their learning.
“I was frustrated when I was hungry and my dinner wasn’t ready so my mummy gave me a starter.”
“I was frustrated with my little brother for breaking my Lego.”
In Forest School we have practiced our drilling skills by using the hand drill to put holes in wood, this has helped us to get ready to make a Bug Hotel next week. We also did some litter picking to make sure we keep our school grounds safe for the animals that live here.
Help at Home On Monday 22nd April it is World Earth can you so something with your grown ups to celebrate our wonderful Earth.
Next week our focus book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Reminders and Notices
Forest School- We have our last week of Forest School this week. Please send your child to school in their PE kits on Friday with waterproofs and wellies in a labelled plastic bag. Please can everyone check all clothes that have gone home after forest school, a few items have been misplaced. Thank you.
Waste Innovation- Please don’t forget to send in any donations for us to be creative.
Have a happy and healthy weekend and please don’t forget to email any pictures from home to stjameseyfs@spherefederation.org thank you as always for all your support.
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Mrs. Feldman
World Book Day
Thank you so much to all the grown ups who came to our special ‘World Book Day’ stay and learn. We hope you had a lovely time, we’ve had a brilliant day celebrating.
This morning we had a whole school costume parade, we showed off our wonderful World Book Day Costumes as we danced to the ‘World Book Day’ Song by Mc Grammar. Then the teacher’s all swapped classrooms, Mr. Kilner who usually teaches in Year 3/4 came to read us a story. We loved listening to him and we loved his different voices!
Thank you so much for all your wonderful support in celebrating World Book Day, you’ve certainly helped us to raise the profile of books and reading. Reception absolute LOVE story time!
Help at Home by sharing a story.
The National Railway Museum
Wow! What a fantastic day we had at the National Railway Museum and the children were fantastic, an absolute credit to you and our school.
We enjoyed looking at the trains in the Great Hall, including the Mallard, the high-speed Japanese bullet train and the replica of Stephenson’s Rocket. We found The Flying Scotsman in the North Shed and an old sign for Wetherby Train Station, plus a sign for platform 9 3/4!
A big thank you to the parents and helpers who came with us and made our day out so special.
The Hundred Decker Rocket
This week we have been really busy with our focus book The Hundred Decker Rocket by Mike Smith.
We have talked about what we would each have on our own deck on the rocket.
” I would have a bouncy castle because they are fun!”
“I would have an ice cream tree!”
Our word of the week was expedition the children have really enjoyed using this during their learning.
“An expedition is a journey.”
“When we go to the Museum we are going on a expedition.”
Help at home: tell your grown up about an expedition you have been on together, what did you see? Where was the destination?
This week in our phonics we have reviewed the digraphs er, air
Help at home: Please support your child with the ‘learn at home’ sheet sent home today. Please also keep accessing the ebooks.
Poetry Picnic
This week our poem was Popcorn
Popcorn, Popcorn, sizzling in the pan.
Shake it up, shake it up,
Bam, Bam, Bam.
Popcorn, Popcorn, now it’s getting hot.
Shake it up, shake it up,
Pop, Pop, Pop.
The Classroom Challenges this week have been
- to make an alien
- to draw an alien with a pen and then use the pipette and water to melt it away
- to make a flying saucer
- to write a list of the rubbish we found left on the table
- to order the images from 1-8 on the washing line
- to draw a map outside and ask a friend to follow it
Also this week we have had our first Forest School session, this was so much muddy fun and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone!
Please can we remind everyone to send their child to school in their PE kits on Friday with waterproofs and wellies in a labelled plastic bag.
Next week our focus book is The Hundred Decker Bus by Mike Smith.
School Trip
We’re very excited about our school trip to the National Railway Museum next Wednesday!
Please can you send your child with a
- Rucksack
- Packed lunch (no nuts or fizzy drinks)
- Water bottle
- Suitable coat
Book bags can stay at home, thank you.
Reminders and Notices
Waste Innovation- Please don’t forget to send in any donations for us to be creative. We really appreciate anything!!
Please can we also ask for any donations of children’s underwear, socks and old school uniform, we work hard and play hard in reception so things can get a little bit messy!!
Stay and Learn Sessions
World Book Day 07.03.24-8.50am-9.20am
Please don’t forget to email any pictures from home stjameseyfs@spherefederation.org thank you!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Mrs. Feldman
02 February 2024
This week, the spellings are all tricky words.
- oh
- Mr
- Mrs
- looked
- people
- called
Please refer to our school website for some ideas on how to help your child learn to spell the words.
Lost and Found
Happy New Year to everyone and a huge thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts we received before the holidays it was so kind of you, we hope you all had a restful Christmas and New Year.
Last week we started our learning in our new topic Fire and Ice, our first book is called Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.
We used the globe to find where the South Pole is and found it is in Antarctica. We talked about how it is a very different place to England as nobody lives there because it is the coldest, driest and windiest place in the world. We made boats and tested them out in the water tray, we even added some ice to be like icebergs, it was very chilly work! We made snow dough and explored how it was like snow because it was fluffy and crunchy.
Our word of the week was: Iceberg, the children have really enjoyed using this word during the week in their learning.
“Look out your boat is getting too close to that huge iceberg!”
“This iceberg looks like a Elsa’s castle!”
Help at home: Tell your grown up at home about where you can find an iceberg.
This week we have started to learn the phase 3 phonemes. We have focused on the diagraphs ai, ee, oa and the trigraph igh. A trigraph is when three letters make one sound.
Help at home: Today, your child has come home with a new ‘learn at home’ phonics sheet. The sheets link to all the phonemes we have covered this half term. Please support your child by practising these at home.
Poetry Picnic
Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite the poem each day. By saying the poem out loud we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line.
This week our poem was Let’s Put on Our Mittens
Let’s put on our mittens and button up our coats.
Wrap our scarves snuggly around our throats.
Pull on our shoes and fasten the straps.
And tie on tightly our warm woollen hats.
Open the door, and out we go.
Out, into the soft and feathery snow.
Crunch, crunch, crunch.
In Maths we have been using our perceptual subitising skills (seeing the quantity without counting), moving from dots in a line and arrangements, to a focus on standard dice arrangements. For larger quantities, we have begun to use skills of conceptual subitising, beginning to quickly see the sub-groups within these larger numbers. We have played a game Feed the Penguin to help us.
“I can see a 3 and a 3 it makes 6”
“I can see a 2 and a 2 and a 1, it’s 5!”
“I see 2 and a 1”
Help at home: Play a dice game with your family and show them your subitising skills.
Next week we will continue to use the focus book Lost and Found to support our learning.
We will be doing PE on Monday, so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit and trainers. They will stay in this all day.
Stay and Learn Sessions
This is an opportunity for you to come into school to find out about the Early Years Curriculum and watch your child Learning in school.
Early Writing- 05.02.24 2.20pm-3.00pm
World Book Day 07.03.24 -8.50am-9.20am
Learning Journey Drop In’s
An opportunity to “drop into” school and share your child’ learning journal with them.
Times- 8.45am-9.15am and 3.15pm-3.45pm (Tuesday and Thursday)
Week beginning 25.03.24
Week beginning 08.07.24
Don’t forget to email your pictures from home stjameseyfs@spherefederation.org thank you!
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman