
Latest news from around the school

A happy and healthy - and safe - place to learn

Posted on 31 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

We hear so many scare stories and myths about health and safety that it’s easy to pour scorn on anything remotely related to the topic. However, as a school, we need to know that our buildings and our practices are safe and secure for your child and his/her teachers.

Just like we’re happy to invite a fresh pair of eyes into school to evaluate the quality of teaching and learning, we do the same – invite an expert from Leeds City Council – to check on health and safety aspects of our school.

We’re delighted that our school was judged to be outstanding in terms of health and safety.

St James’ CE Primary is a happy, healthy and safe place to learn!

Training days 2019-20

Posted on 28 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

For those already planning their trips away and days out, we’ve now agreed our 2019-2020 training days:

  • Monday 02 September 2019
  • Tuesday 03 September 2019 (this means children are back on Wednesday 04 September, although there’s a transition period for those starting in Reception)
  • Friday 25 October 2019 (this is the day before the October holidays)
  • Friday 15 May 2020 (this is the last day of the Key Stage 2 SATS week – a welcome day off for our Year 6 pupils)
  • Monday 20 July 2020 (the last day of the school term, meaning children break up on Friday 17 July 2020)

The dates are all published on our school calendar.

(We tell you our training days well in advance, and we’ve tried to schedule many close to existing school holidays. This means you’ve got more chance to plan and book any holidays abroad. We don’t authorise term-time absences for holidays.)

Real Friends

Posted on 24 January 2019 by Miss Beatson

Last week, years 5 and 6 watched a thought-provoking and powerful performance called Real Friends. The drama explored two very serious issues: hate crime and mate crime. It was performed by an organisation called Leeds People First. People First is about putting the individual first rather than the condition, “people with disabilities” rather than disabled people. The class had to think about how they would change a situation through role-play to help stop such crimes.

“My favourite part was at the beginning when the actors were all wearing masks and holding up signs. It caught my attention.”

“I really liked listening to Olivia’s story about the hard times she experienced throughout school because of her autism. It was based on a real-life situation.”


Supporting parents with anxious children

Posted on 16 January 2019 by Mrs Quirk

EPOSS Cluster are running a group to support parents with anxious children. The group will give advice and strategies to support your child, provide psycho-education on anxiety and give the opportunity for you to meet parents with similar problems and share ideas.

The first session will be held MONDAY 21 JANUARY

Venue: The House
Wetherby High School
Hallfield Lane
LS22 6JS

Time: 8am-9am.

No need to book, just turn up on the day.

If there is sufficient uptake the group will then run every Monday until the February half-term holiday.

If you would like any further information please call:

Rachel Midgley, Cluster Therapist –   0752 617 2934

Liz Giles, Targeted Services Officer – 0791 278 4637

Fantastic Foundation Stage!

Posted on 15 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

We’re always wanting to get better and better. One of the ways we’ve managed to become the most improved school in Leeds (based on progress made by 2018 Year 6 children) is that we work closely with LA advisors so we benefit from ‘an extra pair of eyes’ and their specific skills and expertise.

Just before Christmas, an Early Years expert visited our Foundation Stage classes. Here’s an extract from her report:

Reception children were… all engaged and focussed… Equipment was provided so that all children could be practically involved… Many mathematical opportunities were seen in different areas of provision to promote mathematical learning.

Our Christian value for this half-term is...

Posted on 13 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree


In Mark Chapter 12, Jesus was asked which of the ten commandments was the most important, to which he replied “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength”. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There are no commandments greater than these.”

The challenge for us is how can we show love to each other on a daily basis? How can we encourage each other? How can we make someone smile? How can we show love for our school and our world?

Why did the Church Council choose this Christian value?

‘Love is why Jesus came into the world – to send out love.’ (Year 2 Church Council member)

Home Challenge:

Which is your favourite film or book? Think about the main characters in it – how do they show love? For example, Aslan in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – how does he show love? Or how does Harry Potter show love for those around him, or no longer with him, such as his parents?

Church Council

Posted on 13 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

At St James’ CE Primary, our Church Council is a much-valued part of our school. It consists of two representatives from each class, from Year 1 to Year 6. The Church Council meets frequently to express views and make decisions on the church aspects of our school.

Each year, a new Church Council is elected by staff and students. This half term, our Church Council is being elected. Does your child have an interest in being part of this group?

The role of Church Councillor includes attending meetings with visitors, listening to people’s suggestions and representing the Christian distinctiveness in our school.

Current Church Councillors say you must:

  • Be ready and wise to make decisions – sometimes not the decision we want to make but it is a fair decision
  • Have skills to look after the church side of our school
  • Have good listening skills
  • Be confident enough to sometimes lead collective worship and to talk to visitors

Does your child want to be part of the Church Council? Tell them to speak to Mrs Rowley or their class teacher to put themselves forward for the role!

Merry Christmas

Posted on 21 December 2018 by Miss Beatson

It’s been a very busy week! It started with our visit to the care home on Sandbeck way to bury a time capsule. We then had two wonderful Christmas performances, parties, Santa visit and a Christingle service at church! Congratulations to Bailey in year 6! He designed a card, which was chosen by the Mayor of Wetherby, to be his Christmas card this year.

We have had a very successful term; the children and staff have worked incredibly hard. Thank you to all the parents, who have continued to support the school in a such a positive way. We would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. We look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday 7th December 2019!


Learning updates

Posted on 19 December 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Going home with your child (Y1 to Y6 only) today are the end-of-term Learning Updates. These ‘mini-reports’ aren’t new – we’ve used these before during parent-teacher meetings.

This year, we’ve listened to what you said in the annual surveys: you asked for more frequent updates on your child’s learning. As a result, we’ve tweaked when we do things a little so you now get an update at the end of most half terms:

  • Autumn 1 (the parent-teacher meeting)
  • Autumn 2 (the Learning Update)
  • Spring 1 (the parent-teacher meeting)
  • Spring 2 (the Learning Update)
  • Summer 2 (the end of year report)

If you’ve any questions, comments or concerns about the report, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Time Capsule

Posted on 17 December 2018 by Miss Beatson

This morning, year 1-6 visited the Windsor Court care home on Sandbeck way. The new home will be opening in January 2019 and to help celebrate, we were asked to bury a time capsule with artefacts and pictures to represent what life is like now. The time capsule will be dug up in 2078! The care home are holding a cinema morning for children on Saturday 29th December at 10am with festive popcorn, if you fancy taking your children along.