Pupils enjoy coming to this welcoming and caring school.
Ofsted (January 2025) judge St James’ CE Primary to be good in four areas: the quality of education; behaviour and attitudes; personal development; and leadership and management. Our Early Years provision is judged to be outstanding.
- Read the most recent Ofsted inspection report for St James’ CE Primary.
- Visit the Ofsted website page for St James’ CE Primary.
The school places a strong emphasis on pupils learning to read… The school has developed and introduced an ambitious curriculum.
Relationships are warm and supportive.
Children get off to a flying start in the school’s exceptional early years provision.
Visit Parent View if you’d like to post your views about St James’ CE Primary, and don’t forget the other ways you can express your views.
Find out more about the inspection process in Ofsted’s guide for parents.
SIAMS stands for the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools – all church schools in England are regularly inspected, mainly to evaluate the extent to which church schools are ‘distinctively and recognisably Christian’. We were last inspected in 2022 and were judged to be good. Read the report.
Highlights of the report include:
Leaders value and believe in each and every member of this community and the nurturing support they provide for individual parents, pupils and staff is transformational.
The vision lies at the heart of the school’s ambitious curriculum, which inspires pupils to believe that they can flourish and achieve.
The school’s vision of creating a ‘happy and healthy place to achieve and believe’ is passionately lived out by the entire school community.
Through his inspirational example of servant leadership, the head of federation is transforming this school, day by day, into a place where everyone is nurtured and supported to enable them to live ‘life in all its fullness’.
The head of school has worked tirelessly since her appointment to develop the school’s partnership with parents and carers. Exceptional care and support have been provided for individual parents when needed
Leaders and staff know each child and parent as an individual and they are therefore able to quickly recognise any barriers or challenges their families may be facing.